GERD, Stomach Acid, Acid Reflux, and Heartburn: It’s definitely not “normal”
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What is stomach acid and what does it do?
Stomach acid, also known as gastric acid, is a really important part of our digestion process. It is one of the first steps of digestion. It helps break down minerals and nutrients so our bodies can absorb them effectively. Plus, it acts as our bodyguard, taking out any harmful bacteria in our food to keep us safe… the first line of defense against bad bacteria making it’s way into your gut.
What happens when stomach acid levels are low?
Low stomach acid, also known as hypochlorhydria, can lead to nutrient deficiencies and indigestion issues like GERD and Acid Reflux. It's even associated with conditions like leaky gut syndrome, allergies, skin problems, and autoimmune issues.
What causes low stomach acid?
Several factors contribute to low stomach acid, including our Western diet, food intolerances, medications, chronic infections, environmental toxins, and chronic stress. Aging also plays a role as stomach acid levels naturally decline over time.
Signs and symptoms of low stomach acid:
Low stomach acid can manifest in various ways, including constipation, diarrhea, bad breath, abdominal pain, bloating, dry skin, thinning hair, and excessive burping. A lot of my clients report acid reflux at night, bloating after meals, and feeling like their food doesn’t digest.
Recommendations for low stomach acid symptoms:
There are plenty of natural ways to address low stomach acid symptoms without relying on antacids (those are only a bandaid fix).
Eating slower is huge! This can help digestion when you have lower stomach acid. Taking digestive enzymes, trying digestive bitters, consuming more fermented foods, practicing mindfulness, and cleaning up your diet are all effective strategies.
Incorporating apple cider vinegar is not only good for managing blood sugar but it can also be helpful in replacing the stomach acid.
Seeking help from a functional medicine doctor is key.
If you've tried everything and still struggle with low stomach acid or related issues, consider consulting a functional medicine like my team! We can identify underlying factors contributing to your symptoms and create a personalized plan to address them naturally.